Five Places to Check for Plumbing Issues

Five Places to Check for Plumbing Issues

Plumbing issues can be unpredictable. Sometimes they can be minor such as faucet leaks or disastrous like a major pipe burst. And whether it occurs along your water pipes or sewer lines, it can severely affect your home’s structural integrity. However, if you carry out a regular inspection, there’s a chance you will sport some of the issues earlier. And …

How to Prevent Plumbing Accidents During the Holidays

How to Prevent Plumbing Accidents During the Holidays

Holidays are the busiest time of the year, with endless incoming visitors; the plumbing system often works overtime. As a result, it’s susceptible to damage. But even so, you can save your holiday from going to waste due to plumbing issues. You can keep plumbing accidents at bay with the right tips and prevention measures. That said, here are ways …

Preparing Your Plumbing for Winter

Preparing Your Plumbing for Winter

Winter is unpredictable. Sometimes it can be calm and kind to allow snowboarding, and ice skating, other times it can be disastrous. But what’s even more worrying is the ice expansion as it freezes. While this is not a problem out there in the lake, it’s a disaster when it happens in your plumbing system. A frozen pipe is fragile …

When is it Time to Clean a Grease Trap?

When is it Time to Clean a Grease Trap?

When is it time to clean a grease trap? This is a frequently asked question by both homeowners and restaurant owners. While you don’t have to worry about legal consequences when cleaning at home, the restaurant situation is different. Grease traps that are over a quarter full can attract legal repercussions. Even worse, grease traps account for a significant number …

Common Causes of Water Leaks

Common Causes of Water Leaks

Water leaks are potential nightmares for homeowners. ‘Cause they know behind this sneaky problem, there might be a bigger surprise. As a result, most owners ignore the water leaks because they don’t want to poke and uncover a bigger challenge. However, finding greater issues is not always the case. More often, it saves you a lot of cash on damages …